How to Get a Blue Check on Instagram - Account verification with a blue tick is the best form of validation to confirm the authenticity of an account. So, the blue tick that is commonly found on Instagram accounts indicates that the account is the official account of the party concerned, whether an individual, a group or a trademark.

However, getting verification on Instagram cannot be done by all users. Instagram has its own requirements that an account must meet in order to have a blue tick.

How to Get a Blue Check on Instagram

Even so, if users want to know more about how to get a blue tick on an Instagram account, you can pay attention to the explanation summarized from Sprout Social, Tuesday (28/2/2023), below.

Terms of Submitting Verification on Instagram

On its official website, Instagram provides several guidelines to find out whether a user fits the criteria.

The first thing to ensure is that users who want to get the Instagram blue tick must comply with the Terms of Use and Community Guidelines. Additionally, user accounts must also:

  • Authentic: Your account must belong to a real person, business, brand or entity.
  • Unique : Be the only representative of the user or the user's business.
  • Complete : Profile must have biodata, photo, and actively use the platform.
  • Notable : Account must represent a person or business that is known to the public and has been featured in multiple authentic sources, not sponsored media sources.
  • Public : Accounts cannot be private.

Submission of verification to get a blue tick next to the user's account name, can be done in the Instagram application.

To do this, users need to log in to their respective accounts and select Settings on the top right menu. Next, click Request Verification and complete the required fields. When finished, click submit for Instagram review.

Currently, there is no set minimum number of followers to be able to apply for verification (no need to have many followers). If they meet the criteria above, the user can try to submit a request.

According to Instagram, even if a user's account meets the criteria to be verified it is not certain that it will get a blue tick. Unfortunately, there is no set time limit for when Instagram will notify the results of its decision. However, if rejected, the user must wait 30 days before they can try to apply again.

Advantages of Having a Blue Check on Instagram Account

With a verification mark indicating that the account is an official account, the user will have stronger credibility because it will distinguish the account from other accounts. Thus, people can also easily reach and find your account.

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10 Important Tips To Get A Blue Check

If the user is ready to apply for verification on Instagram, follow these steps to have a greater potential for getting a blue tick.

1. Complete the Instagram Account Profile

One of the ways Instagram verifies your identity is by checking the user's profile. Make sure the user account profile is completely complete with a suitable bio and profile photo.

2. Build a Social Media Profile

Try to build a strong following. Getting more followers can be done by building a personality with a certain consistent theme, updating consistently, developing quality content.

3. Watch for Copycat Accounts

Big accounts that have a lot of fans have the potential to be imitated. So, the blue tick is present to distinguish the original account from other copycat accounts.

4. Active Use Account

In an Instagram review, they will also check the regular activity of the account. If you rarely use the platform, it is very likely that the user will not pass verification.

5. Increase Account Credibility in Other Media

To be widely known, user accounts must at least have a good reputation and can be searched for information on the internet. This is because people do the review, not algorithms so they most likely use a search engine like Google to see what comes up.

6. Don't Try to Buy a Blue Check

This can easily invalidate the user verification application for violating Instagram's Community Guidelines. Instead, try to gain more followers by sharing quality content.

7. Remove Cross Platform Link from Account Bio

According to Instagram, verified accounts are not allowed to encourage users to add or follow other social media profiles in their bio, such as Facebook or YouTube. However, links that can be added are in the form of a website or web.

8. Improve Account Search Ease

The easier a user's account is to find, the greater the chance of getting a blue tick. So, users can try to be more active in optimizing posts with unique hashtags so that they appear in searches and the Explore page.

9. Personalize Account Posts

Organizing user posts with unique and authentic content can differentiate accounts from impersonators so it's important to get verified on Instagram.

10. Ask for Public Relations or Specific Agencies

Enlisting the help of a PR professional or digital agency to submit a user verification application supported by a Facebook Media Partner is a legitimate source of help in the process, unlike "buy" tools or bots that give you artificial likes, engagements, or verifications in exchange for money.

Good luck and hope it works...

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